How to Upload Google Doc on Schoology

Getting To Know Google Drive Assignments in Schoology

When Google Drive Assignments first came out in Schoology, I really thought information technology was going to change the manner didactics happens in many classrooms. Gone were the days of "Untitled Documents" and hundreds of e-mail notifications when my students share files with me.

If you're not already familiar with Google Drive Assignments feature of Schoology, this tutorial video offers you a quick explanation and how-to. In short, Google Drive Assignments allows you to create an assignment for your students AND attach a Google Physician/Slide/Canvass file to the assignment. The beauty of this feature is that a re-create of the template file is created for each student in your class, and that file is shared back with the teacher.

So What Makes This Feature Awesome?

Simplified workflow for students and teachers

Before Google Drive Assignments in Schoology:

"Sharing files through Google Drive makes things easier in your course.  All you lot have to do is create the file, hit share, brand the link sharable, gear up the sharing permissions to view only, copy that link, paste information technology in your Schoology form.  Then your students follow that link, click on File, then click make a copy, rename the file, and share information technology back with you. If yous want to have students plough the file in via Schoology the students demand to click the 'Submit' button, and so click resources, then click apps, then click 'Google Drive' then observe the file they want to attach."

Easy right? Riiiiiiight.....Not to mention I tin can't tell you how many times I heard students confused because all the work they did yesterday was "gone".  In most cases, the students were not aware they made a new copy of the file (since they followed the aforementioned steps from yesterday), as opposed to accessing their file in Google Drive.

Google Drive Assignments takes a lot of that work out of the equation:

  • Teachers create a file in Google Bulldoze and attach it to an consignment in Schoology
  • A copy of the file is made for each educatee and shared back with the teacher in Schoology (no email notifications)
  • If the teacher or student wants to admission the file, they tin become correct back to Schoology and find it
  • The process is the same whether you are accessing the file for the first time or the fiftieth time.

No more sharing

Prior to Google Drive Assignments, information technology was necessary for students to share work back with a teacher. This was fine, and it worked for years, simply as nosotros know in that location is no mode to organize the Shared with Me space within Google Drive... so things got ugly quick. Sure, you could click "Add to My Drive" and organize the files that manner ... but still, not the best employ of fourth dimension ... and as mentioned before you would receive a flood of emails every fourth dimension you gave your students an assignment.

Google Drive Assignments takes out the demand for students to share back files; it's done on the back cease. Better all the same, teachers no longer have to sift through endless documents and try to organize them. Now, as shown in the film below, the instructor tin only become to the assignment and click on a pupil name on the left side of the screen and see his/her/their file on the right hand side of the screen. All-time yet, the view on the correct side is a live look at the Google Doctor, which means yous get the most recent version of the file!


Did I share that file with the correct permission?

I can't count how many times I shared a file from Google with dissimilar sharing permissions then I had intended. Over again, non the end of the world, only it could be trouble. Cheers to the fact that Google Drive Assignments makes a copy for each of your students, you no longer have to worry well-nigh someone "accidentally" making changes to your template file; the changes made to a educatee's file do not affect your copy of the document.

Speaking of permission settings...

I don't desire to geek on you likewise much here, but alas...

When you create an assignment with Google Drive Assignments, in terms of Google Drive the instructor is the "owner" of the file, and the file is "shared" with the student (more on that later). When the file is shared with the student, the student is given edit admission to the file; meaning he/she/they tin change the document at the highest level. When the educatee clicks the "Submit" push, the file is moved within the Schoology course from the "In Progress" tab to the "Submitted" tab.  This too changes the educatee'southward admission to comment only. If you are not familiar with comment access, it allows for users to make suggestions for changes (in a dissimilar color font) and attaches a side comment to the change, but does non actually change the document.

This change of permission makes information technology easy to meet if a student makes changes to the certificate after he/she/they submitted the consignment. Both the instructor and student tin can "united nations-submit" (see picture beneath) the assignment earlier the due appointment, which will change the student's permission level back to edit (as information technology started).


Gone are the days of "Untitled Document"

Nosotros tin can teach file direction until we are blue in the confront, only in that location are always students who fail to proper name a file, or utilize some totally unique naming convention, that makes perfect sense to them ... and only them.

When Google Drive Assignment makes a re-create of the file for your students it also automatically renames the copy using the post-obit convention:

Studentfirstname Studentlastname - Consignment Title - #####

The number at the cease is a unique number designated to that item assignment in Schoology (making it easier to find in Google Bulldoze if necessary). There have been endless instances where students can't detect a file thank you to the myriad of Untitled Documents in his/her/their Google Drive. Again, we tin search by modification date, but with Google Bulldoze Assignments students can click on the assignment in Schoology and direct access his/her/their file.

Built in accountability

In the past, I had to trust that my students were working on assignments. Possibly they turned in work early, perhaps they shared the file with me, either way, unless the student shared his/her/their work with me I had no way of knowing what was being done other than request "So how's the work going? Anything I tin help with?"

With Google Bulldoze Assignments, I can peek in to encounter how a student is progressing. If a student has yet to open up the file, the organization tells me that too. Some may see it every bit micromanaging, I see it equally (next department) ...

Immediate opportunities for feedback

Thank you to the file beingness shared with the teacher at the start of the process, Google Bulldoze Assignments allows the teacher to offer feedback throughout the process. The teacher can address whatsoever missteps or misconceptions early on, and assist guide the student dorsum on the right path.

In some traditional workflows where the assignment is given to the teacher upon the due engagement, the pupil is given feedback on work subsequently information technology has been turned in, and graded. In some cases, the educatee tin see what he/she/they did wrong, however they accept little to no opportunities to utilize that feedback to that particular consignment. A colleague likes to refer to this style of feedback equally an "autopsy"... morbid, but very authentic. Google Drive Assignments instead, gives the teacher access to the file at the kickoff of the process. This admission gives the teacher the opportunity to provide effective and valuable feedback to the student (via comments, suggestions, questioning strategies, etc.) to assistance guide the student early on on in the process, especially if the purpose of the assignment is the learning.

What Are Some Things To Expect Out For (in my experience so far)?

What is your purpose for sharing the file?

In that location are plenty of cases where y'all want your students to work together, collaboratively, on a document. If that is your goal, this is not the work flow for you. Instead, I might suggest adding a link to the file in your Schoology course. The Google Bulldoze Assignments work menses discussed in this post is for when y'all are looking to have students piece of work independently on a file.

Brand a copy vs Live updates

If y'all are familiar with sharing files in Google, you lot know that any updates made to a file will be seen in the shared file. After all, that'due south one of the awesome reasons to collaborate in that infinite! It is important to be mindful that Google Bulldoze Assignments makes a re-create of your file with your students; information technology doesn't "share" the file with your students.

When your student clicks "My Document" within the assignment, a copy of the file is created as it currently exists. This ways whatever changes you lot make to the template file will Not be reflected in the pupil'due south copy (bold they have opened the document within Schoology). One solution to this may be to proceed the consignment unpublished until you are ready for your students to admission it.

In Progress vs Submitted

As mentioned previously, when a student submits the assignment it moves from the "In Progress" tab to the "Submitted" tab of the Schoology Consignment. This sounds logical, but I tin can't tell y'all how many times I've looked for a student's paper only to non see his/her/their proper noun on the list. What?! Why isn't your proper noun here?!

When you are accepted to looking at student work in the "In Progress" tab, it'due south easy to forget that the "Submitted" tab exists, then be mindful that it'southward there.

Co-taught classes are tricky

There are plenty of cases where a Schoology grade has more than than one administrator, and this tin cause some trouble with Google Drive Assignments. Equally mentioned earlier, the ambassador is the owner of the file, and it is shared directly with each student. The integration does non identify people as "grade admins", consequently in the example of multiple grade admins, whoever creates the assignment will be able to come across the files and other admins will get a sharing error message when they try to view the student piece of work. We have come upwards with a piece of work effectually that seems to solve this problem (this mail explains how), merely hopefully a more permanent solution can exist establish soon.

Express viewing space

We heard early on from teachers and students akin that the viewing space of the document was somewhat limited due to the Schoology frame (and in the instance of teachers, the educatee list also takes up screen real estate). Initially, our solution was to access the file via Google Bulldoze (teachers tin can find a folder titled "Schoology Google Drive Assignments" and students tin can look in "Shared with me"), simply frankly that took away some of the ease of apply associated with this feature. Fortunately, about a calendar week later an "Open" push (shown in the film below) appeared for both students and teachers that opens the file in a new tab. Clicking this open button is the same as if y'all were to access the file direct via Google Drive.


Ownership rights

As we look to have students curate their work into portfolios, it is important that the students have access to his/her/their piece of work.  Equally mentioned above, the workflow of Google Drive Assignments sets the course admin every bit the owner of the file, and it is shared with the individual students. To help ensure access to files in a portfolio, information technology may be advantageous to have students make a copy of his/her/their completed work and curate that re-create into a portfolio.

What Have I Learned?

Submission changes at due date

It was mentioned earlier that a student's permission level changes from edit to comment upon submitting an consignment, and this allows for any changes made past the student to be more visible to the teacher.

It was besides discussed that both teachers and students tin can un-submit an assignment, which will modify the students permission setting from annotate dorsum to edit. This begs usa to ask the question:

"What stops a educatee from submitting an assignment, seeing feedback from the teacher, un-submits the consignment to make the necessary changes, and so resubmits the assignment with the intent of fooling the teacher it was correct all forth?"

I know it's complicated, merely it'south non outside the realm of possibilities. Too, let'due south just set aside the pedagogical give-and-take around constructive feedback for learners. While it's possible for the teacher to look at the version history of the document, that is something teachers may non be familiar with based on their personal comfort with applied science and even if they are familiar with that process, it is an additional step/time requirement.

Consignment due dates can help. If a due date is listed for an assignment, a student can not un-submit an consignment once the due date has passed... meaning they can't boot the file out of comment mode.

A few other things to note:

  • A educatee can nonetheless submit the file after the due date has passed
  • Due dates can exist inverse, and Google Drive Assignments is responsive to that change. This means if a teacher sets an initial due date, submitted work becomes "locked in" later the due engagement has passed. If the teacher edits the consignment to extend the due date, that submitted work becomes unlocked (able to be united nations-submitted) until after the new due date passes

Where Would I Like To Run into Information technology Go Next?

Re-create the consignment, copy the template

One of my favorite parts of Schoology is the ability to re-create materials seamlessly to all your courses, but it appears this feature was left off in this case. It appears you tin copy the consignment to multiple courses, nevertheless, the attached file does Non come up over with the re-create. This means after copying the file yous still accept to go into each course, edit the assignment and attach the file to the assignment. Seems to defeat the purpose of copying. If I'm missing the solution, I would love to hear your suggestions. Otherwise, I (and many teachers) hope Schoology finds a style to resolve this.

Group assignments

I accept heard rumors almost this, and look forward to it with not bad antici...pation. In many cases students work collaboratively on a unmarried piece of work.  Right now, Google Drive Assignments does non directly support this environment. Information technology would be neat to see it have the ability to grouping students onto a single file, and have those students all access the same file, comments/feedback, and all exist issued the aforementioned grade (if applicable).


All in all, I still call up Google Drive Assignments within Schoology is an awesome feature that has the potential to drastically better the work flow in any classroom.  If you accept whatever questions regarding Google Drive Assignments, I would propose searching the Schoology Help Center website, and/or reaching out to the Schoology Ambassador network.  Yous tin notice the Schoology Ambassador network via Twitter using the hashtag #SchoologyAMB.


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